Tango Workshop

27. October 2018
14:00 – 16:30
Micro turns and spins for the social dancefloor taught by Brigitta Winkler and Marc Vanzwoll
· Pivot on your axis
· Turn around your partner
· Fly with the music
· Circle the dancefloor
Immersion learning – the world of giros, tango DNA
«A wheel rolls, turns, and by means of cyclic or circular movement takes you on a journey. The journey is an evolving one, and with each level of awareness gained, the previous moves continue to function and expand.»
The theme serves all levels and all roles.
Each class works with a conceptual part as well as step examples.
Saturday, 27 October
Workshop : 14.00 – 16.30 Uhr
(includes 15-minute break and 30-minute practica)
All lessons will be at Chante Clair | Preyergasse 22 | 8001 Zürich www.chante-clair.ch
Pricing: The Saturday workshop price is CHF 25 per person. (We are able to offer this special workshop price of CHF 25 through the very generous support of Chante Clair that covers part of the regular price of CHF 45.)
Each pre-milonga class is CHF 10 per person. Milonga entry not included. Student discounts available.
Registration: Please register by email at mpvanzwoll@gmail.com
In association with Chante Clair & QueerTango Zurich